Medical intuition is the ability to “see” inside the body and “read” the energy patterns of the physical, emotional and spiritual energies of a client. It can be said that a Medical Intuitive “psychically perceives” information concerning the human body, and can then provide in-depth insight into current states of health and wellness. This work is done by scanning the energy body and/or physical body for areas of imbalance. Often times the Medical Intuitive will be able to explain the connection of the energy to an emotion or an event causing the symptoms or illness. Intuited information can then be provided to the client, their medical doctor and/or health care professional for further evaluation and discussion of possible treatments.
As physical beings, our experiences carry emotional energy. These experiences include past and present relationships, traumas, memories, belief patterns and attitudes, spiritual beliefs and even superstitions. The emotions from these experiences can become encoded in our biological systems that contributes to the formation of our cell tissue, generating a quality of energy that reflects those emotions back to us in our bodies. These energy impressions form an energy language, which carries literal and symbolic information that a medical intuitive can read.
A Medical Intuition Evaluation serves to pinpoint specific illnesses, imbalances and pre-clinical conditions and in fact can often expose health issues that even the most sophisticated medical diagnostic tests are not yet able to detect. This type of diagnostic can reveal not only your current state of health but can also validate unresolved thoughts and emotions that may be impacting you and your current state of health or dis-ease. This information can be gathered remotely, regardless of physical proximity of client to practitioner.
The obvious benefit to working with an experienced and accurate Medical Intuitive is that one would receive information on symptoms presented immediately. The downside is that there is no testing or formal required training in order to call yourself a Medical Intuitive. The seeker would have to rely solely on word of mouth and referral to find a good practitioner. The real advantage I see in engaging a Medical Intuitive, would be to rule out or confirm illness and diseases that are difficult to diagnose. Pancreatic cancer would be such a disease.
Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of your pancreas, an organ in your abdomen that lies horizontally behind the lower part of your stomach. The pancreas, a small organ about 6 inches in length, releases enzymes that aid digestion (amylase, protease, lipase) and hormones (glucagon, insulin) that help manage blood sugar. Pancreatic cancer is seldom detected in its early stages and typically spreads rapidly to nearby organs.
The classic symptoms of pancreatic cancer include1:
Jaundice and related symptoms (may include dark urine, itching, light colored or greasy stools)
Pain in the abdomen or back (which may be relieved when bending forward)
Weight loss and poor appetite due to a multitude of factors.
Nausea and vomiting: If the cancer presses on the far end of the stomach it can partly block it, making it hard for food to get through.
Gallbladder or liver enlargement: If the cancer blocks the bile duct, bile can build up in the gallbladder, making it larger.
Blood clots: Sometimes, the first clue that someone has pancreatic cancer is a blood clot (deep vein thrombosis) in a large vein, often in the leg.
Fatty tissue abnormalities: Some people with pancreatic cancer develop an uneven texture of the fatty tissue underneath the skin caused by the release of the pancreatic enzyme, Lipase.
Diabetes: Rarely, pancreatic cancers cause diabetes (high blood sugar) because they destroy the insulin-making cells.
Pancreatic cancer occurs when cells in the pancreas develop mutations in the DNA. These mutations cause cells to grow uncontrollably and to continue living after normal cells would die (apoptosis). These accumulating cells can form a tumor.
Most pancreatic cancer begins in the cells that line the ducts of the pancreas. This type of cancer is called ‘pancreatic adenocarcinoma’ or ‘pancreatic exocrine cancer’. Rarely, cancer can form in the hormone-producing cells or the neuroendocrine cells of the pancreas. These types of cancer are called ‘islet cell tumors’, ‘pancreatic endocrine cancer’ and ‘pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors’.2
Treatment may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or a combination of these.
A foundational belief held in Medical Intuition is that “your biography becomes your biology”3 which means our thoughts, whether conscious or unconscious, enter our systems as energy. These thoughts carry emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual energy that produce a biological response stored as cellular memory. Illness can then develop as a consequence of certain behavioral patterns or attitudes that we don’t recognize as biologically toxic until they have already manifested into an illness or disease. “In this way our biographies are woven into our biological systems.”
In relation to pancreatic cancer, as it is a third chakra organ, issues of trust, fear and intimidation, self-esteem/self-confidence/self-respect, care of oneself, care of others, responsibility for making decisions, sensitivity to criticism and/or personal honor may contribute to the pancreatic cancer.4 In her extensive work as a Medical Intuitive, Caroline Myss has provided much information on the mental and emotional issues that lead to specific disease manifestations in the body. I have studied Caroline’s work for over 16 years and have had the opportunity to study directly under Caroline. I can say that she is the ‘real deal’ and I highly respect her body of work on the subject. I have a family member with Type 2 Diabetes, and I can attest with no uncertainty, that he has issues with self-confidence, trust, care of others, responsibility and is very sensitive to criticism: All third chakra issues which can cause physical dysfunctions such as gastric/duodenal ulcers, digestive problems, diabetes and pancreatic cancer to name a few.
One case in particular I would like to relate from Caroline’s work, was a patient of Dr. Norm Shealy, MD, PHD, a medical doctor whom she primarily consulted for. The man was a dentist who was experiencing abdominal pain and fatigue. Dr. Shealy, based on a more in-depth description of the patient’s symptoms, ran tests for suspected pancreatic cancer but they came back negative. He was so certain it was cancer that he enlisted Caroline to do a reading. She was given only is first name and age – no details on the symptomology. In her evaluation, Caroline “was able to see that the right side of this patient’s body, around the pancreas, was generating toxic energy.”5 She was also able to relay to the doctor that “this man was burdened by an enormous feeling of responsibility and that it had become a constant source of anguish for him.” In fact, his negative emotions had become the dominant feeling in his body leading to the physical disease. This reading gives us incredible insight into toxic emotions, that when becoming primary, can lead us into disease. Medical testing is not always accurate either, thus alternative methods of diagnosing such as Medical Intuition, can provide answers where there otherwise would not be any.
In summary, the alternative diagnostic abilities of a Medical Intuitive can add validation to an MD’s investigations, provide insight into the mental/psychological/spiritual issues that may be leading or have led to symptoms and/or disease, and to provide peace to an individual experiencing physical symptoms through these insights.
American Cancer Society.
Mayo Clinic: Diseases & Conditions.
Caroline Myss. Anatomy of the Spirit. Crown Publishers. 1996. Pages 40-43
Caroline Myss. Anatomy of the Spirit. Crown Publishers. 1996. Page 97
Jan Erickson. The Fluid Observer. April 28, 2017